



hippo …..

Who are we?

A father and daughter project.
This is just a way to share my daughters art with family and friends.

Why ‘whispering hippo’?

The short answer?
It just sounds good rolling off the tongue

The long answer?
Any parent will remember a time when there kids were young and were fascinated by bright colourful picture books. In that book collection would be at least one animal book, and you would inevitably start making the animal sounds as you read it for the umpteenth time, your child completely transfixed, you, feeling like a super star as you reeled off ‘oink oink’, ‘baa baa’ and ‘moo moo’ with such accuracy.

But then you lose the run of yourself, total over-confident in your abilities, as you decide one day to move to a new ‘Zoo Animal’ book that you’ve not seen before. The first pages were easy, teasing you, setting you up for the fall, “Roar”, “Ahwoooh” and then…… you panic. You should know this one, but it is not coming to you. And what do you do? Admit defeat? No, you do what any super star parent would do, and make it up. So by the time the book is finished, you have decided that forevermore this huge beast of an animal, second only to the elephant, who can weight the same as three cars and eat up to 35kg of food a day can only communicate by whispering the word ‘hippo’ over and over.

Well, that was me and my oldest daughter. As this website is our experiment I thought it would be fitting to use the name ‘whispering hippo’.